Testimonial page

plenty of excellent smartBoxmaker testimonials




It really was a great pleasure to have some insight into your world of box making and learn to appreciate the skills, experience and craftsmanship that you bring to the subject.
Peter A, Wiltshire, UK

I had an excellent time and learned a great deal, thank you. Plenty of ‘food for thought’.

George G, UK

 … you are most definitely a master at your craft

Barry v K, Louisburg, USA

…  thank you for the time spent with you last week. I found the entire day most profitable and educational. Thanks again for a super day.

Stuart D, UK

I really enjoyed the two days and learned a huge amount in a short space of time (as well as ending up with a nice box). Thanks again for a great weekend.

David B, UK

Kudos to Andrew! Wonderful box work… 🙂

John T, Michigan, USA

last week did a 5 day one to one course with Andrew and had a fanatic time. Very good teacher, and lovely company.

Bryony W, Stroud, UK

I enjoyed myself immensely and I learnt a great deal from you.  I really enjoyed the whole experience and I now have a lovely box to show for it!

David C, UK

[smartHinge] – awesome hinges, ingenious simplicity. they look great and so easy to fit …

Scott W, UK

Andrew first of all let me say thank you for the wonderful weekend I hope to repeat it in the not too distant future. I think that I have change my whole approach to box making because of the ideas you’ve given me.

Wyn S, UK

Looking back now, what I got out of the 3 days was both confidence in how to do things and just superb techniques. I know all of these will stay with me – and there is no greater compliment of a training course than being able to say that.

Martin C, Kent, UK