Testimonial page

plenty of excellent smartBoxmaker testimonials




I am also delighted with the way the leather lining turned out it looks really plush.  Once again many thanks for a really enjoyable weekend and a very satisfactory result.
Brian A, UK

I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and just wished it had gone on a bit longer because it was so enjoyable … it was good to meet the three other participants because I think overall the whole weekend benefited from the friendly and supportive atmosphere.

Stuart M, UK

Inspiring to a budding box and case maker from Down Under. Often find myself viewing your gallery for inspiration – with many a “how did he do that?” moment mixed in.

Ben, Australia

Thank you for a very interesting and stimulating weekend. I went away full of enthusiasm and eager to attempt more boxes using the vast selection of wood that I have been lucky enough to inherit.

Mike N, UK

I really enjoyed the course and and I was impressed with the precision in your techniques – in the sense that you had analysed them and refined the process to avoid mistakes.

Colin W, UK

[smartHinge] – … couldn’t be more impressed or happy with the smart hinge.

Adam C, UK

Thanks Andrew I enjoyed the course tremendously now, hopefully soon, I will start to put into practice all the information you provided. I’m still getting my workshop ready but the end is insight. I look forward to your next newsletter.

Bob F, Luxembourg

Thanks for a great weekend,i really enjoyed it and learned a lot.

Ronnie K, UK

[smartHinge] – from now on, these are the hinges I will be using wherever I can.

Alex S, Australia

Thank you so much for a splendid weekend—it exceeded my very high expectations! I am looking forward to using some of the techniques I learnt on some other projects.

Tony McL, UK

Your designs are more then beautiful, they are art work in the purest form. I find myself visiting your site often for inspiration or to simply look over your collection. Simply wonderful.

Randy L, Ontario, Canada